Rework at Museum of Space Available

 A live streamed event series, showcasing the progressive ‘Radical Upcycling’ movement through the lens of music culture 

“Dancing and upcycling” 

January 2023 

On Friday 13 January, 2023, Space Available will launch the first session of a live circular design music series titled REWORK. Held at the Museum of Space Available in Bali, REWORK is set to shine the spotlight on innovations in radical upcycling and Indonesia’s rich music culture – radical upcycling on the dancefloor, if you like. For the launch, upcyclists Pinky Gurl, Syarifah Widad and Ibu Made Juli are joining forces to create full-head masks from unique salvaged materials, celebrated Bali-based DJ Dita is providing the tunes, drinks come courtesy of local brewery IslandBrewing. The event is free, open to the public for those on the island, and will be live-streamed via YouTube for Space Available’s international audience. 

REWORK will take place from 5pm-7pm on Friday 13 January, 2023, at The Museum of Space Available (MoSA), Bali. Space Available’s global audience can tune into the live stream at 6pm Bali time/GMT +8 via this link:

Space Available founder Daniel Mitchell says: The REWORK event encapsulates the energy around the new radical upcycling and recycling scene, through the lens of a live-streamed music event. Imagine a live- streamed Boiler room event where the focus is on the upcyclists (UCs), as opposed to the DJs.”

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