CDA 004 ‘Radical Recyling’

Join us at the Space Available Circular Design Academy for an immersive journey into the world of recycling, turning discarded materials into wearable object.* 
About the Circular Design Academy: The Space Available 'Circular Design Academy' represents a radical shift towards circular design principles. Our mission is to immerse you in hands-on learning experiences guided by the regenerative and circular principles of nature. Join the cultural circularity movement as we explore upcycling, recycling, and biodesign. 
What You'll Learn: Learn how to radically recycle plastic waste into wearable art pieces. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to create a unique necklace & pendant from discarded materials. This workshop provides a platform for participants to explore new materials and embrace a systems-thinking approach to circular design. 
Join our CDA004 program in Ginza, Tokyo :


DSMG 'Open house
*'CDA004 ‘Radical Recycling Plastic Waste'*

Turning plastic waste into wearable art pieces.

Space Available (@Space_available_) 
At Doverstreet Market Ginza, Japan
Sept 28th, 2023 

For further inquiries and registration, contact us at

Sign up to the academy program below to be the first to know about our upcoming workshops.